Takayoshi Shoudai, Dr. Sci., Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

Faculty of Information Engineering,

Fukuoka Institute of Technology

3-30-1 Wajiro-higashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, 811-0295 Japan

■ Research Interests

My research interests include algorithmic learning theory, grammatical inference, formal system, knowledge discovery, and data mining. I am a member of the IEICE, IPSJ, and MSJ.

■ Journal Papers

1.        Takayoshi Shoudai and Takashi Yamada, A Polynomial Time Pattern Matching Algorithm on Graph Patterns of Bounded Treewidth, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Special Issue on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, to appear, 2017.

2.        Takayoshi Shoudai, Kazuhide Aikoh, Yusuke Suzuki, Satoshi Matsumoto, Tetsuhiro Miyahara, Tomoyuki Uchida, Polynomial Time Inductive Inference of Languages of Ordered Term Tree Patterns with Height-Constrained Variables from Positive Data, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E100-A, No.3, pp.785-802, 2017.

3.        Takayoshi Shoudai, Hikarui Murai, and Atsushi Okamoto, A Semi-Supervised Data Screening for Network Traffic Data Using Graph Min-Cuts, IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and its Applications, Vol.9, No.2, pp.49-60, 2016.

4.        Yusuke Suzuki, Takayoshi Shoudai, Tomoyuki Uchida, and Tetsuhiro Miyahara, An Efficient Pattern Matching Algorithm for Ordered Term Tree Patterns, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E98-A, No.6, pp.1197-1211, 2015.

5.        Yasuhiro Okamoto and Takayoshi Shoudai, Hard Optimization Problems in Learning Tree Contraction Patterns, Applied Computing and Information Technology, Springer, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol.553, pp.77-90, 2014.

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■ Conference Papers

1.        Takayoshi Shoudai, Satoshi Matsumoto, and Yusuke Suzuki, Distributional Learning of Regular Formal Graph System of Bounded Degree, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP2016), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, to appear, 2017.

2.        Seiya Hara and Takayoshi Shoudai, Polynomial Time MAT Learning of C-Deterministic Regular Formal Graph Systems, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI2014), pages 204-211, 2014.

3.        Yasuhiro Okamoto, Kensuke Koyanagi, Takayoshi Shoudai, and Osamu Maruyama, Discovery of Tree Structured Patterns Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method, Proceedings of the 7th IADIS International Conference on Information Systems (IS2014), pages 95-102, 2014.

4.        Hisashi Tsuruta and Takayoshi Shoudai, Structure-based Data Mining and Screening for Network Traffic Data, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI2013), pages 152-157, 2013.

5.        Yasuhiro Okamoto and Takayoshi Shoudai, Hardness of Learning Unordered Tree Contraction Patterns, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI2013), pages 141-146, 2013.

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Takayoshi Shoudai

shodai (at) fit.ac.jp